We decided that in order to fit in all of our filming and a fair amount of editing we would start early, at 11 o'clock.
We had 4 outside actors as well as Ernie and Tas who were two of the zombies. The other actors were:
- Alec Cook - a human survivor who died at the end
- Richard Baron - a human survivor who lived
- Micaela Fernandes - a zombie
- Jonny Kruip - a zombie who died

We put all of our bags and things under the stairs in the bottom of a block of flats in which one of our zombies lives. This way there would be no chance of us catching them on camera.
We used Tas's camera this time which appears a little more technical than the Sanyo camera we borrowed from the school last time, however I have not compared the specifications yet so I don't know the actual differences. The only thing I would say is that the image doesn't appear to be as clear as on the first camera.
We had finished filming by 3 o'clock and we cleared up and went home. Ernie and Tas came to my house at 4 o'clock to start editing. This time we used Adobe Premiere Elements rather than Sony Vegas for the simple reason that my free trial had run out and I had not bought it. However, in my opinion, Adobe Premiere Elements is just as good as Sony Vegas.
It took 9 hours in total to edit the film. We are very pleased with it and the only thing left to change is the title board at the end. Ernie is in the process of emailing the GIF to me so that I can add it to our piece.
After showing it to our media studies teacher and getting some very minor suggestions to make it even better we made the following changes:
- We made the word 'productions' more visible on the production logo
- We added sound to the production logo
- We moved the title board to the middle
- We changed the title board to the official one
- We moved all of the actors names to the middle
- We decreased the volume of the narration
- We decreased the volume of the wind

I also wanted to make a Jing to experiment with using and editing it So I made one showing the my adding the final touches to our film opening, checking it and putting it on Youtube.
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